- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Whoooo – that got my attention!
Thanks, AL –
Omigosh! It’s April already! Queenbert coming closer! Yay!
Oooh! Pretty boy!!
Hey I’m Adam and Danny!
Thank luval!
She found these pretty pictures that you get to look at all month long! 
Not thanking luval! She always sends me to bed.
Okay…grumble grumble…thanks luval for the pretty pics!
That was my favorite of the pictures Luval posted. Was so happy to see it here. We have good taste Al.
Good thing that I didn’t go through with my April Fools photo then. I was thinking of having the other Adam L at the top since the media is often mixing them up. I just could not bring myself to do that though!

I’ll ask this question here, too – “Don’t Sleep in the Subway” on iTunes still says featuring Adam – is that legit, does anyone know?
Al that would’ve been funny IMO. Beautiful looking young man to super charge the day.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert · 1h
I also wanted to say how much I loved being on @GLEEonFOX this season. I learned so much & had so much fun. Thanks to the cast and fans.
Alex Anders @alxanders · 9m
@adamlambert @GLEEonFOX Loved having you bro! Honor to work with you. Hope you’re enjoying my homeland!
(Music Producer and Engineer for records, television, and film. Currently work as Vocal Producer and Recording Engineer on Glee.)
He’s Swedish, too – they’re all over the place –
I read on some Glee sites that Rachel (Lea) sings the song with Artie (Kevin). I guess we won’t know for sure if Adam sings a few lines until tonight.
Good thing that I didn’t go through with my April Fools photo then. I was thinking of having the other Adam L at the top since the media is often mixing them up. I just could not bring myself to do that though
Nooooo Al!! That would’ve been the most awful April Fools’ prank! Thank goodness you didn’t do that! Puke!
Would’ve gone into hiding for the month! 
Very nice Al Love the lay out and selection. You and luval make a great team.
Everyone beware of this: Credit card cloning. The things
crooks invent…sigh..
Beautiful selection of pics, thank you AL and luval! That one at the top is sooooo striking. Arresting, really.
I have to post these two pics again from the Q+AL press conference, because every time I look at them, they make me smile:
So, that was an awesome little chat Adam had with us a few hours ago. It’s been a while since he has really conversed with us over Twitter, and that felt really good. I loved his rant – he nicely taught a few fans about respect. I loved the little album details. I love that genre is irrelevant in his sonically diverse post-modern honesty, because it means he is creating his own sound and pushing traditional boundaries. And I love seeing his excitement about what’s coming up.
I’m completely hooked on Rockstar. Cannot get that little song out of my head. And Adam’s singing on it is so flawless, I just can’t get enough.
I can’t wait to see it performed on the show to get the visual to go with it and see how it fits into the storyline. I have a feeling this song is how Elliott says goodbye – he’s going off elsewhere to become a rockstar. Sigh. I’m gonna miss Adam on Glee – I adore Elliot as a character, and I’ve loved having Adam and his all-around awesomeness on my TV.
OMG, that Adam game is sooo addictive
I wish you had done that AL. It would have been hilarious, especially if they had been goofy pics of Adam Levine. Goodness knows there are enough of them around.
Good morning …. ALL!!!

Another beautiful photo of Adam’s.
He posted IG by himself.
Thanks … AL and luval … for the beautiful photos on top.
Great selection!!! Well Done!!!
Glamberts are fast. More colour now.
CreativeDisc.com @creativedisc · 11m
Listen @AdamLambert and @chriscolfer covers @AGreatBigWorld “Rockstar” on Glee http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9KZi8JLkY2Y …
Another pic edit
Adore those two pics of Adam smiling, cwm – his personality just shines through in those photos. And, as far as “Rockstar” is concerned – must have played it at least twenty times – love it.
That’s some IG, asif – his features are remarkable. Wonder when taken – longer hair – no nose ring – remember the jacket.
And on the pic these comments are funny after the twitter party –
too bad you’r gay
@lo0ofa116 Too bad you’re an idiot.
Click on the pic (not Adam related – but neat).
ulti ..
… It turns out the IG photo is from Lee Cherry.
New Adam Lambert photo release. Photo by Lee Cherry. Shot at Cherry Soda Studios.
27 Pranks You Need To Really Own April Fool’s Day
Thanks ulti – I’m glad you like those pictures, too!
I just tried to open them on my android phone, and unfortunately on my phone I just get taken to the start of the gallery, not directly to those two specific photos. So, it works best to open the links on a computer to see the specific pics I’m trying to share.
Yes – definitely had that Lee Cherry “look,” asif – so striking.
Thanks for all the thank-you’s for the up top pictures. For a minute I couldn’t think of any since he’s been in hiding except for the Queen announcement. But I remembered the Sweden bridge one and that led me to the rest.
Hope he goes back to that Instagram look…longer hair!
Nice thread up on mjs with the pic and tweets.
kardam @kardamdoll 9h
Cherry-blossom viewing
しだれ桜が好き pic.twitter.com/YjbZstUYOL
Brought these over cause I THOUGHT I was posting in April, but was clearly fooled and hypnotized by the stunning “not A Levine” pics….
Hehe, no, I just had trouble being on the right thread LOL!
Haha! I like the “Office Balloon Party” – The evil
Glamsterprankster fills them with glitter.Great pictures AL and Luval but I would have loved the April Fools picture. I say go for it next year.
Rockstar || Lyrics
By A Great Big World from the album A Great Big World. On screen lyrics.
I can’t wait for Glee tonight. Have been listening to Rockstar for many times.
17 Pun Dog Puns That Will Instantly Brighten Your Day
Some puns are so so, but the dog’s face after each pun is hilarious!
I’m up for #7, asif – Desk in the Bathroom – as said, “simple, classy, effective” – love the slow realization part of it – the growing WTH – just great.
Great blog post by aleksandrakv
Just posted
I wonder why Adam posts photos of how he used to look? His hair is so much shorter now, different color.
Who posted first, luval – Adam or Cherry?
Don’t remember this profile shot
Not sure if seen these either ?
don’t remember bottom left pic
(just saw it on his twitter page)
Tracey @kinkykiedis
@adamlambert Fantastic new photos u’ve got for your background & header. Love them, ty for sharing even if I did pass out staring at them
pick me up, too
enhanced WAG pic