- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Its so quiet, where is everyone?????
Well, HKfan, I’m here but I have nothing to offer!!!
I’m here too (at work) but I have this:
Story of Adam’s Trespassing bracelets – made by a creative fan!
eta…didn’t work I’ll have to check it out…
Here, too – keep checking in.
Wow….July just about over. New thread tomorrow with new photo!
Such clever jewelry, luval!
I don’t know if this Huffington Post article was posted. It is dated 7/27. Forgive me if it’s a repeat, I was away during that time.
Well, I am everywhere HK fan. That means I am very busy catching up everything… Can’t do anything else, flu or something, I have lost my voice. But not ears
So many videos… I am in San Antonio Texas now.
Twitter just leaked some Fault stuff of Sauli. There are pictures, interview and fan G&A. Sorry I couldn’t make them direct links…
Pics of Sauli in Fault Magazine: pic.twitter.com/5LBUKjAc pic.twitter.com/UGURHphF pic.twitter.com/ljR9c6e3 pic.twitter.com/PWaBRNFy (via @Joannalizzy)
Sauli in Fault: Fan Q&A pic.twitter.com/7x9eY78l & pic.twitter.com/FLbjVYDI Interview: pic.twitter.com/jdMZT3fl (via @Joannalizzy)
Ok, the same Sauli/Fault directly (hope it works this time):
Pages 1-2
Pages 3-4
Fan Q&A
A photo
New Queen /Adam pics
Wow. 7-camera mix of Queen+Adam WWTLF 14th July. From the same person who has done earlier sent 4-cam version… I’ll put to Queen thread too.
YES That is exactly what I think of when I see that shirt, WELL HELLO, and my M&G, as short as it was.
Haha, I’m with luval, it will forever be the lobby shirt. Coming out of the elevator and seeing Adam’s back and realizing it was him as he was leaning on the counter checking in with his manager, evidently reading the history of Wilkes-Barre and about the proper pronunciation.
He was also wearing the jeans from the BTIKM video, light Adam, and the metallic Rick Owens boots with the side zipper pocket, and a t-shirt underneath but I didn’t get a good view of it.
Haha nkd…. You are brilliant!
Very jealous of peeps who have personal experience of MY SHIRT!

Actually, I will lay some claim on it because it was bought in Paris (correct me if I am wrong). Adam is so pretty in pink!

But he always rocks it with darker layered pieces. Yum.
This must be the t-shirt he was wearing under the plaid shirt in the lobby later that day.
Tweet from Neil
This is really good!
I just copied my Wroclaw recap to Wroclaw concert thread, where it should’ve been posted in the first place.
Where is Waldo?? Boys are hiding pretty well, we will find out where they went on vacation AFTER they’ll come back…
I just love Neil more and more….
I do to Mils, I am glad to see I am not the only one that can not stand Chris Brown, and all he gets to do, and he is just so awful.
Hey I got somethin to show you all if I can find a way to bring it over here!! You will love it!!
kinda quiet here but did you all see this 7-cam mix of WWTLF?
ladynorth, thanks for all those Fault/Sauli links. Loved the interview, its easy to see how Adam and Sauli mesh physically, both hot and sexy, but looking at that interview their mental outlook and aspirations seem to match each other perfectly too.
Talking of Sauli, does anyone know if he did a blog on the Queen concerts/London trip??
Love that Chris Brown album review
He was all over the UK radio when I was there.
recaps continue on Des Moines thread…
Has anybody seen a review yet?
Word of caution: They are not liking the panties action over at Home Planet. They found the wording offensive, and the thread has 25 comments, which is a lot for there. They usually only get 3-5 comments. I popped in to post. They focused on his face when he read the wording. Read with caution.
Wow…I see what you mean, mils. But your posts were great. I’ll have to watch the videos again. I kinda wish, however, that there was nothing written on them. Oh well, I think it will be forgotten.
So we will be saying goodbye to July. Mils, thanks for your great recap!
Eta: mils…did you notice what Adam ended up doing with the underwear?
The last I saw, they were hanging on the mic stand. He used the hand mic for the rest of the song, and never went back to the mic stand after he read the wording on them. Then the show was over.
I’m finally done with all my recaps. Whew! I was a busy bumblebee!
So now a manufactured “panty gate?”
Panties were left on mic stand?
Jlurks, I re-sent my mail. Hope you get it this time.
Yes, there does seem to be a panty-gate. Sadz. There’s always something to be a buzz kill.
I ended up making another comment on Home Planet to try to quiet it down over there. I talked about not being able to see his reaction after he read the wording.
The panties were ill-advised (IMHO) but well-intentioned.

That is probably all that needs to be said. (At least by me.)
I agree. And good night!
G’nite, mils!

Sweet Des Moines dreams!
We are only 25 minutes from the August thread!

I’ll wish everyone an early happy August – g’nite, peeps!
Not getting anything yet. Hanging out in Nebr so maybe your email caught in one of these super dry cornfields.
Sorry, can’t resist, just a footnote. I seemed to remember what happened to the “mikestand/panties” at the end, and watching this video confirmed my recall.
He slammed the mikestand to the floor and put his foot on it, while looking up to the sky with a serious expression, then looked back at the audience with a smile. I think the serious look upward was sort of a “remember to be thankful for what I have now” moment, and then he put it behind him. But I agree, he was not happy – and even though his performance was just fabulous (what a trooper!) I think that that “thanks for being good sports” tells us all was not well, probably about them shortening his time after telling everyone he would be on for an hour. The panties just aggravated things, I guess.
We met Glambertha in London at our dinner, and she is very young and totally adores Adam – just a poor choice of words.
Btw, Ron dearie, if you are around, thank you for your kind words regarding my interview in front of the Hammersmith. After doing that, I have MUCH admiration for how Adam is so articulate and thinks on his feet! I was on the verge of choking up! Have to thank @ovationimpact for putting me in the path of the interviewer so she could escape to do some Tshirt evaluation LOL.
Ceddies sweetie, please pop in to let us know you made it home from Winstar. I’ve been worried about you.
Gosh, I hadn’t watched the Cuckoo video that closely, but after watching it again I can see why the people over on Home Planet are pissed. He looked really stung when he read the words, and hurt more than angry….
I’m sure Glamberthaf meant nothing by it, as you say, just bad choice of wording, but she must be feeling pretty rotten about it now.
Before we make too big a deal about “panty-gate,” I’d like to share an alternate view. In the Home Planet comments, I see a small number of individuals (only about 5 – 7) posting multiple times about it because they were offended on Adam’s behalf. But I saw little wanking about the underwear on twitter, and I went to multiple youtube videos of Cuckoo from Des Moines and didn’t see any negative comments on them either. (The gal who posted the video that riskylady linked to above may have gotten some comments since she says something in her written intro right below the vid and disabled comments.)
The vast majority of the comments that I’ve seen on twitter and youtube have been great amusement about Adam’s riffing with the “panties on my microphone” bit, which was very funny. After watching the video carefully, I agree that Adam changed direction after he saw what was written on them, but he has a great sense of humor and I hardly think that he was terribly offended or hurt. I think he made a face because he was surprised and caught off guard by what was written and decided not to show the audience after all, so made some stank faces to transition to something different, and then he moved on to introducing his band. Adam’s subsequent funny interaction with Brian after introducing him clearly shows that he is happy and enjoying himself immensely. I don’t think what he did at the end of the song when he threw down the mike stand and looked up to the ceiling had anything to do with the panties – I think it was all about creating a dramatic closing. I think we can end up reading way too much hidden meaning into little things Adam does on stage, when he is just trying to create an effect.
So, them’s my two cents. Surprised and caught off guard? Yes. Hurt, offended, or angry? Very unlikely, in my view. Mountain out of molehill IMO.
imho it was a poor attempt at humour, though the fan was well-intentioned. I think the critical fan reaction is good, though. The feedback makes it less likely that anyone will do something similar again.
Not surprised that Adam was put off by it: it’s one thing to know that fans are happy about your personal life; it’s another to know they are thinking about your sex life.
I think that you nailed it, TLKC. Adam is so generous about sharing his personal life with us…I would hate for him to have second thoughts about that if peeps overstep bounds.
eywflyer, where are you? It’s August! We are stuck in a time warp!
(I know you are busy, no worries!)

Hmmm…maybe this is how we will all stay 29 forever!
Kradamour – you’re funny! The August thread went up last night on time, and that’s where everyone is now. Git over there!